
5 Most Common Bosch Induction Cooktop Problems

Induction cooktops can be complicated at times.

Unlike gas stoves which simply involve turning knobs, induction cooktops involve high-technology components like touch panels, circuit boards, and electromagnetic coils, among others.

Having a malfunctioning induction stove is a headache in itself.

To save you from the bigger headache of guessing what is wrong with your cooktop, we wrote this article for you.

This article will guide you through the top 5 most common problems with bosch induction cooktops and how to troubleshoot them.

1. Bosch induction cooktop blinking

If the control panel keeps blinking or flashing, it is the cooktop’s way of telling you that it cannot detect your cookware. Either you have not placed your pan on the hotplate yet, or the pan you are using is not suitable for your cooktop. 

Make sure that your pan is compatible with your cooktop in terms of material and size. 

Induction-friendly pans are those made from ferromagnetic materials like cast iron and enameled steel. Pans made from copper, aluminum, and glass are not capable of electromagnetism which is why induction cooktops cannot detect them.

In terms of size, check whether your pan’s diameter fits the hotplate you are using. 

Induction cooktops from Bosch usually have various hotplate sizes ranging from 10 to 26 centimeters in diameter, depending on the cooktop model. 

If the pan is too small, the cooktop is less likely to detect it. If the pan is too big, the cooktop will have difficulty heating it up. Hence, it is best to choose a pan that matches the size of the circular alignment guide or is slightly bigger. 

Slightly smaller pans will work as well. In fact, the cooktop generates less energy when you use pans that are somewhat smaller than the cooking alignment guide.  

In some models, a blinking control panel might mean that your cooktop detects water on its surface. Try wiping and drying the cooktop surface before turning on the unit.

2. Bosch induction cooktop won’t heat up

Given that the cooktop has sufficient power supply and that its control panel lights up and works as normal, then two things come into play if it does not heat up: the cookware is improperly positioned or the burner is faulty and needs to be replaced.

First, make sure that your cookware is positioned in the center of the circle. Again, the cookware must be made of ferrous materials and has to match the size of the hotplate. 

Second, if the first scenario is not your case, it is highly likely that the induction burner is faulty and needs replacing. 

An induction cooktop has burner coils below its glass-ceramic surface. These coils do not heat up, but they play an essential role in electromagnetism, which is the process responsible for heating induction cookware on induction stoves. 

If these coils act up, it is best to have them replaced.

Thankfully, burner coils are easy to replace as they only require removing the top glass cover, removing spring clips from the old coil, and then re-clipping them on the new coil. 

3. Bosch induction cooktop touch not working

There are five possible reasons why the touch panel of your induction cooktop is not working: child lock, touch sensitivity interference, malfunctioning touchpads, and, worst, defective circuit boards. 

It is best to first assess the easiest to solve among all the possible problems: touch sensitivity interference.

Check whether your touch panel is wet or something heavy is on top of it. Remove all objects that could possibly intervene with your panel’s touch sensitivity.

If this doesn’t work, try checking the child lock feature. Check whether you see symbols indicating child locks or safety locks like keys or padlocks. Bosch cooktops usually use a ‘key’ as a symbol for their safety lock feature. 

If the safety lock is activated, you will see its symbol light up in the control panel. This feature freezes the cooktop’s control panel to avoid unintentional taps and presses. 

This could explain why your cooktop does not heat up, no matter how many times you tap the control panel.

To deactivate the safety lock feature, simply press the key symbol for four seconds. The key symbol should not be lit after those four seconds. To reactivate, simply do the same thing and wait for the key symbol to light up. 

If none of these quick fixes work, either the touchpad or the circuit board is faulty and must be replaced.

The touchpad is basically just the board underneath the buttons. The circuit board is a much bigger problem because it controls the whole induction stove. 

You can replace these boards on your own by disassembling the cooktop, disconnecting the wires from the old board and connecting them to the new one, and reassembling the whole thing. Just make sure that your replacement board is compatible with your cooktop model. 

4. Why does my Bosch induction cooktop keep turning off?

Induction cooktops, in general, have several safety features to conserve energy and avoid overheating. 

Some Bosch induction cooktop models have an auto-shutoff feature that automatically turns off the unit after one to ten hours of inactivity. Similarly, the cooktop will automatically shut off even while in use when its sensors detect high temperatures that exceed its threshold.

In these cases, just wait for the unit to cool down; it should be fine when you turn it on again.

Another common possibility for this problem is incompatible cookware. Stainless steel works on induction stoves, but its performance may be inconsistent. Induction cooktops may initially detect cookware made from stainless steel and then not detect it after a while. 

If the cooktop cannot detect cookware, it automatically shuts down.

In this case, change your pan. Also, make sure that your pan is always at the center of the burner. If the pan hangs too much to the side, the cooktop will stop detecting and shut down.

You might also consider checking your cooktop’s power supply. If the power supply is insufficient or inconsistent, then it may be the reason why your cooktop randomly turns off. 

5. Bosch induction cooktop is too noisy

As an induction cooktop owner, you should know that it is normal for your induction stove to make humming or buzzing sounds, especially if the temperature is too high. Briefly, the stronger the electric field your cooktop creates, the louder the noise.

But also, as an induction cooktop owner, you know what sounds are not normal for an induction cooktop. 

One possible culprit is your pans and pots. Heavy, flat-bottomed iron pans are less likely to make noise than multi-layered stainless steel pans. 

Remember that induction cooktops transfer heat and energy to the cookware via electromagnetism. Electromagnetism excites the molecules of the cookware, which heats it up and often makes it vibrate. 

Heavier pans are less likely to vibrate and clank against the cooktop surface, which is why they are much quieter.

Bosch induction cooktop error codes 

Bosch cooktops communicate by displaying random combinations of letters and numbers on its control panel. Each combination represents a distinct error that requires an equally distinct solution. 

The table below summarizes the most common error codes you might encounter on your Bosch induction cooktop. We also included what the error codes mean and how to troubleshoot them.

Error CodeMeaningSolution
dE and the cooking zones do not heat upThe demo mode has been activated.Disconnect the appliance from the power supply for 30 seconds by briefly switching off the circuit breaker in the fuse box. Touch any control on the cooktop within the next three minutes.
E7010The cooktop is unable to connect to your home network or to the hood.Switch the appliance off and on again after a few minutes. If the message reappears, call Bosch Customer Support at 1-800-944-2904 and specify the exact error code when calling.
E9000 or E9010, or U400Incorrect supply voltage. Voltage is either too low or too high for the unit.Find another source of power. Call Bosch Customer Support at 1-800-944-2904 for assistance.
F1 or F6Overheated cooking zone. Bosch induction cooktops automatically shut down when they reach high temperatures.Wait for the unit to cool down. You should be able to cook once you turn on the unit again.
F5 and the power level flashes alternately with a signal tone
Presence of hot cookware nearby. This can cause overheating of delicate electronics in the control panel.Move the hot cookware away from the touch panel. You should be able to resume cooking immediately.
F5 and a signal tone
Presence of hot cookware nearby. The cooking zone automatically switched off to prevent overheating.Move the hot cookware away from the touch panel. After a while, tap any control key on the cooktop. Wait for the cooktop to cool down before resuming cooking.
F8 + H/h and the cooking zones are not heatingThe induction cooktop has been on standby for an extended period of time. It automatically sleeps to conserve energy. Press or tap any control key on the cooktop to activate it again.

Fuss-free troubleshooting

We hope this article helped you fix minor inconveniences in using your Bosch induction cooktop. 

If some of these tips do not work, remember that each cooktop model is unique. As such, you will never go wrong with consulting your Bosch induction cooktop manual. 

For more complicated Bosch induction cooktop problems that cannot be solved by DIY troubleshooting, it is best to contact Bosch directly at 1-800-944-2904 or consult a local expert technician. 






8 responses to “5 Most Common Bosch Induction Cooktop Problems”

  1. Mary Chavis Avatar
    Mary Chavis

    My glass top will come on but won’t stay on ,do I need a new one

    1. Michaela Cooke Avatar

      I think it can still be repaired. Best to contact a local technician who can repair it. Or contact your vendor / supplier where you bought your glass top.

  2. J. Simpkins Avatar
    J. Simpkins

    my induction hob when turned on flickers between 3 and two and beeps

    1. Michaela Cooke Avatar

      Hi Joyce, which Bosch model do you have? Have you checked out its manual? Maybe it’s something specific to your cooktop’s model.


  3. Steve Borg Avatar
    Steve Borg

    My Bosch cooktop seems to limit the power to the elements if more than one is on high. For example, cooking pasta last night, when I tried to boil water on the largest element I had to turn off the other 2 that were on low simmering otherwise the larger one just clicked on and off not doing much. Is that normal?

    1. Michaela Cooke Avatar

      Not normal. Probably best to get a technician to look at it.

  4. Janice Hope Avatar
    Janice Hope

    why does ours keep tripping the power supply unit off,,?
    I can be cooking with 3 pans on and all OK, next time I use it maybe just one pan and it trips

    1. Michaela Cooke Avatar

      There might be an exposed wire or something in the electrical connection. Best to have a technician look at it.

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