
How to Use Non-induction Cookware on Induction Cooktop

If you’re upgrading your kitchen to an induction cooktop, the thought of buying new pots and pans can be exhausting. Especially when you already have your own designated pans you know would work well for each cooking technique. 

Since throwing away perfectly functional cookware would be a waste, you wonder if there’s a way to use your regular pans on an induction stove.

Fortunately, induction converter plates are available to make non-magnetic cookware functional. 

So if you’re not familiar with them, this article will guide you on how to use induction disks and give you the scoop on which brands work best.

What kind of pans can you use on an induction cooktop?

The most notable feature that makes an induction cooktop stand out from other types of stoves is its ability to use electromagnetic energy to cook food. 

Because of this, one of its benefits is it takes less time to make your favorite dishes, which is why it’s a favorite among several professional chefs and home cooks alike.

But despite its many advantages, one downside to using an induction burner is you can only use a particular kind of pots and pans.

So if you’re asking: Can I use normal cookware on an induction cooktop?

It would be difficult to make them work since induction cooktops need magnetic pans to be functional. 

An induction cooktop needs to create a magnetic field to heat your pans effectively, and the only way to complete that is by using induction-ready pans.

Cast iron, enameled cast iron, and carbon steel cookware are naturally magnetic, while others have built-in magnetic bases. 

But if you’re not sure whether your pan is magnetic, you can use a fridge magnet to check. If the magnet sticks to the bottom, it means it’s good to use on an induction stove.

What happens if you use a non-induction pan on an induction cooktop?

Searching for new cookware can be exciting since you’ll see new options that you haven’t tried before. 

But considering it would be impractical to throw out all of your non-magnetic cookware, holding on to a few would make more sense.

But what happens if you use a non-induction pan on an induction stove?

When used alone, regular cookware won’t heat up no matter how long you leave them on your stove. Some induction burners would even beep repeatedly to indicate that they don’t recognize your pan.

Since it has no magnetic properties, your induction stovetop can’t generate the magnetic field required to create heat.

But all hope is not lost for your non-induction pots and pans since an induction converter plate can make them functional.

Do induction converter plate work on non induction cookware?

If you’ve recently run across a flat metal disk with a handle on the kitchenware aisle but don’t know what it’s for, the hint is it’s not for cooking pancakes.

It’s an induction converter plate whose sole purpose is to make non-magnetic pots and pans functional on an induction stovetop.

You don’t necessarily need to get one if you have an induction cooktop, but this accessory can be handy if you want to hold onto your old non-magnetic pots.

Using an induction converter disk with non-induction cookware does have mixed reviews from induction users, but it can have its benefits if you get a good-quality one.

What is an induction disc?

If you don’t have the budget to get new sets of magnetic cookware, an induction converter plate can make your daily cooking routine easier since it allows you to use regular cookware on your induction stove. 

An induction disk can easily fit on a standard-sized induction burner, so your pan can get optimal heat when cooking. But it’s also available in different sizes, so you can switch them out depending on the size of the cookware you’re using.

Some converter plates also have built-in handles, so you can easily lift them off the burner when you’re done cooking. But if you’re not a fan of them, some brands offer converter plates with detachable handles.

So if you want to get your own induction converter, Ikea and other kitchenware stores may have them available. But if you prefer to see more options, you can also look for them online.

How does an induction converter plate work?

As discussed above, an induction stovetop can only work if you use cookware with a magnetic base. So if you have a number of non-magnetic pots and pans that you’d still like to use, the converter disk can act as the magnetic bottom that induction-ready cookware usually has.

Since it contains ferromagnetic properties, a converter plate can absorb the heat created through the magnetic field and transfer it to your cookware.

But some users notice that using an induction plate for non-induction pans will make your cookware heat slower and cool down faster, making your cooktop lose the precision and efficiency that it usually has.

Cooking with high heat isn’t recommended when using an induction disk since it tends to overheat, making your cooktop automatically reduce the temperature or turn off without warning.

How to use an induction adapter

Despite its shortcomings, some users find the induction cooktop converter disk useful for cooking. So if you’re interested in getting one, you might be asking:

How do you use an induction cooktop converter disc?

The induction adapter is easy to use since you don’t need additional tools or accessories to make it work. 

You’ll only need to put it on top of the burner before placing a non-induction pan. Then you’ll be able to prepare your dishes the same way you would cook on a magnetic pan.

Aside from converting non-magnetic cookware, induction disks can also act as a barrier against rough-bottomed pans, so you’ll lessen the chances of scratching the surface of your cooktop.

Which is the best induction converter plate?

Since many induction diffuser brands are available in the market, it can be confusing to know which one to get.

So to help you determine which product will work best for your cooktop, here’s a quick breakdown of a few of the most popular brands according to induction interface disk reviews:

1. Max Burton induction interface disk

With a magnetic stainless steel 8-inch (20.3 cm) plate, the Max Burton induction interface disk comes with its own built-in heatproof handle that stays cool even after cooking.

Most users adore how effective it is for making non-magnetic pans functional on their induction cooktops. Some note how heavy it is due to the thickness of the stainless steel, but it’s manageable as long as you avoid lifting it while cooking.

But due to its build, it can lose a lot of its thermal energy, so it can take a while to heat your food, especially if you’re trying to boil a large volume of water or soup.

The Max Burton disk also tends to overheat when used for an extended period of time, causing your cooktop to shut off automatically. So overall, it’s only suitable for cooking quick meals at low to medium heat.

2. Mauviel interface induction disk

The Mauviel interface induction disk is an 8.5-inch (21.5 cm) stainless steel plate with a smooth finish, so you won’t have to worry about scratching your induction stovetop’s surface when placing it on top.

It also comes with an attached heatproof handle, making it easier to grip and pick up.

Similar to the Max Burton disk, the Mauviel converter plate can make cookware take twice as long to heat up. So users get frustrated when the disk overheats even when the water they’re boiling is still barely warm.

So it’s best to use it only when cooking with low heat to avoid damaging your induction stove. But considering its high price point, the Mauviel interface induction disk may not be the best addition to your kitchen.

3. Bialetti induction plate converter

The Bialetti induction plate converter may catch your eye as it has the brand’s signature logo etched on top. 

It’s a stainless steel plate with a heatproof handle, but it’s raised at an angle.

But because the Bialetti converter plate is only 5.11 inches (13 cm) in diameter, you can only use it with Moka pots and small cookware.

So if you’re a fan of coffee, you can finally use your Moka pot on an induction cooktop. But users notice that it tends to discolor after a few uses, so make sure to keep the heat low to prevent this.

But in extreme cases, some users have experiences where the Bialetti plate converter warps and delaminates after a few months of use – making it unfit to use on your induction stove.

Final thoughts

Transitioning to an induction cooktop can be a bittersweet experience for home cooks since you won’t be able to use your non induction cookware.

But if you want to make a few of your favorite pieces work, an induction converter plate can be helpful but only to some extent.

Since it has a few downsides that negate the benefits of using an induction stove, getting one can be beneficial if you only use it for cooking on low heat. But for more heavy-duty cooking techniques, it would be best to save up for good-quality induction-ready cookware instead.






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